Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where is my Omelette?

Where is my Omelette?

One fine rainy day, Sam and her dad were discussing on a picture from the picture book in hand keeping themselves warm enough with the blanket..her mom as always was busy cooking delicious food…This time it was Moru kootan. It is a curry very much famous among Keraliates prepared with curd, coconut pury and the magical mix of Indian spices…Sam was now impatient with the grumbling from her stomach and the irresistable flavor of the dish.

Mom: Sam, wash your hands…your dinner is ready…
Sam: haaaaaaaaaay….am ready mom…

She skipped her hand wash and thought her parents dint watch her..but was caught….

Sam: Acha, I will wash my hands after eating…Why should I do it now…Its so clean…See.

The 4 year old chubby girl had just started off with her schooling in Kendriya Vidhyalaya….I Std- B division..she loved to suffix I B to her name…She was all thrilled to go to her school with her new uniform.. white shirt, navy blue skirt with white sox and a Black Bata shoe…the brand Bata had been very famous those days back in 90’s….

Dad: You have to wash your hands before eating…Wont the germs get inside your stomach ? Don’t you remember how cheeky those worms look?
Sam: hmmmmm (recollecting from the picture book)
Dad: Do you want that to be in your stomach?
Sam: No Acha..never

Mom: Its getting late…You have to go to bed in an hours time…..Need to wake up early in the morning…

Sam ran to the wash room and cleaned her tiny hands so well that the hand wash was half the bottle now.
She was now happy and confirmed from her dad that those worms would never ever get into her stomach.

Sam: Acha my legs are freezing..

Dad got her night suit and swetter to keep her warm enough and was pulling over the socks onto her soft feet which was almost frozen.

Sam: Acha, Bruuunoooooow…

There came Brunow to scare her to her life. Brunow was the pet dog of the owner of their rented house…Sam loved those people who just resided in the same compound as theirs. Brunow was a frequent visitor to her house whenever he was unchained…He is always there in front of her house like a guardian chained to a pomegranate shrub. He wags his tail whenever she is in front of him and it was a regular practice for her to wave back her hands to him while leaving for school at 8 in the mornings. But she just hates him, because he just scares her. Brunow was a healthy hefty powerful doggy with a double coated coat of an apricot shade ...

Sam: Achaa…close the door…he will come to me now..please….
Dad: He would not hurt you baby…see the way he wags his tail..he likes you…
Sam: Amma, please throw him away….eeee…eeee….

Tears slowly rolled out of her chubby cheeks….
Brunow walked away..…she gazed until his last step out of her house.

Mom: Have your food…Do not spill it on floor…and have it like a good girl now.
Sam: Wooow Omelette!!!! I love them.. I want the biggest…I want the biggest.
Dad: Ok….Biggest for the smallest at home.
Sam:Acha….no the 2nd one is the biggest…I want that..I want that..

She was all happy to see the ovel shaped yellow omelette on her plate like the shining Sun…
Sam always kept all her favorite tasty food to have it at the end to enjoy its gestation to its maximum…
She was done with her food and now was ready to taste her favourite Omlette. Sam have a penchant for Omelettes.
Lights Gone….Power was off due to the heavy rainfall.

Mom: Sam, don’t move…Let me get the candle…

Mom had disappeared in the darkness…She could only see her dad dressed up in a grey T-Shirt and yes of couse her Omelette still placed on the dining table on a white dish.

Sam was looking here and there as she now heard the rain pouring heavily with the cold breeze chilling her arms which were the only part in the body uncovered apart from her face.

Sam: Achaaaaaaaa..she screamed..
Dad: Am there…Don’t you worry baby….

She saw Brunow running towards her like a mad dog…It was the first time she ever saw any dog running this fast and above all, this time it was towards her. He had actually come in to protect himself from the heavy rain. He looked like the fastest dog in the world from the greyhood famiy.
Sam closed her eyes with fear….It was all calm and silent for a moment…Sam slowly opened her one by one…

Sam (helplessly) :Achaa, where is my Omelette? They are not here…

Then she saw Brunow going with her finger licking Omelette stuffed in his big mouth amidst those 42 scary teeth.They looked like a masterpiece of simple engineering designed to tear, shred and grind her Omelette to pieces and pieces.
She woefully looked at her parents and realized that were done with their dinner and no more Omelettes to share…

Sam: Achaaaa… ..I hate Brunow

Sam now had another reason to count on to hate Brunow.

In Malayalam “Acha” means dad and “Amma” means mom.


Murali said...

Nice story...We can feel the feelings of an innocent girl.. Keep writing

Suba said...

haha, even I used to eat my favourite things at last when i was young. Good story..

Kiron K said...

Nice one Salini. I second to Suba, even now I used to keep my favourite things at last and people like Tiju and Hari always ask "are you not eating?" in way that they are ready to eat it if i don't want ;). he he. njan koduthittu venday...

Pinnae hand wash 90's athra popular anno..

Jairam said...

Bad dog Brunow, bad dog!!! Nice story though

AA said...

Very sweet!!!
Sam reminds me of my neice whoose pics i've in the album.. :)
Bruno is Arjun.. my brothers pet Alsatian.. (bro named him after CID Moosa Dog, LOL)

Unknown said...

Nalla story and good attempt.
edepolathe storikal eniyum eniyum ezuthiarikyuva. Vayikyan njangal kathirikunu

Anonymous said...

hey nice story.. keep writing..

Raj said...

Chechi Love the way evrythn is in so intricate detail and innocent narration of a child's innocence and a fathers love for a child. Loved it chechi.

Raj said...

Keep writing chechi